reflection cut from an early draft of “Eye to Eye: Black Women, Hatred and Anger” by Audre Lorde (Audre Lorde Papers, Spelman College Archive)
Shape of My Impact Conversation
Wednesday Sept, 17th 7pm-9pm EDT
This Back to School Brilliance Remastered Webinar is an opportunity for community accountable scholars to support each other and access resources designed to helps us all activate our brilliance in collaboration with the communities we love. This discussion will center on Brilliance Remastered founder Alexis Pauline Gumbs's article on survival and the academic industrial complex entitled "The Shape of My Impact" and published at The Feminist Wire in October 2012. "The Shape of My Impact" has circulated over the past two years and has resonated with many community accountable scholars. Recently, several community accountable scholars have reached out about a space to discuss the issues that the article raises. This is that space! The article is available here: http://thefeministwire.com/2012/10/the-shape-of-my-impact/ Come join online or via phone to talk about how draw on the insights of earlier generations of community accountable scholars to navigate the academic industrial complex and how to support each other as we deal with the realities of the neoliberalization of the university. This dialogue will be facilitated by Alexis Pauline Gumbs and is the perfect place for anyone who is interested in building subversive intellectual community and talking about strategies for living the dream. Register for free or with a donation at eventbrite here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/brilliance-remastered-broadcast-the-shape-of-my-impact-tickets-13111269159